Hello Bro. Day.
Do you by any chance have music sheet for the theme song medley that you guys did from the Trust in The Lord Strive to be Concert that we can use to sing for our YSA Conference that is coming up at the end of this month if possible or a male version for the Trust in the Lord song? We really love this medley of songs that you guys did and really bring tears in my eyes as we felt the spirit the first time we heard this medley. Thank you for all your hardwork in making these music in the church that inspires .
Boyd Hyrum Reyes
Hi Nik, sorry to bother you again, but I'm from Brazil and the sheet music app doesn't appear in the apple store because of the region. We are doing a musical program with our young people with mutual songs from several years ago. Could you help me with the sheet music: Forget (2019) and What Family means to me (2017). They are no longer available on the church's website. Tks for your help, Larissa
Hi Nik! Can I have the music sheet too. The link has expired. Tks so much.
This isn’t official, but this should work for now - https://office365lds-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/niklaus0_churchofjesuschrist_org/EfNHBturPddPl6TPr_nIFFoBisqEsZ5vcDEje3wwq0kcQg?e=pY1Jft